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Conditions of EnrollmentJason Blazick2020-03-31T14:01:38-07:00
Conditions of Enrollment
- The child and their parent/guardian agree to have read and agree to abide by all rules and conditions of Camp Saint Andrew’s (“camp”).
- The camp reserves the right to dismiss any child who breaks camp rules or whose conduct is unacceptable. This includes, but is not limited to: possession/use of drugs or alcohol, use of tobacco products, possession of knives or other weapons, theft, fighting, bullying, or leaving camp grounds without permission. The camp leadership reserves the right to determine what constitutes a violation of these rules.
- In the event that a child is dismissed, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide timely transportation away from camp. The camp fee will not be refunded.
- While participating in camp, the likeness of a child may be captured by photo or video recording. The camp reserves the right to use these images and videos for use while promoting the camp.
- Parents/guardians must provide any updates to provided medical information before the beginning of camp.
- Parents/guardians must provide updated contact information if they leave home for an extended period while camp is in session.
- While participating in camp, phone calls are strictly prohibited except in the event of an emergency. We recommend setting expectations with the child and encouraging letter writing to help manage homesickness.
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